Hungary 1820 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog

Ág­nes Dó­bék, Gá­bor Mé­szá­ros and Gá­bor Vad­er­na, eds. Me­dia and Li­te­ra­tu­re in Mul­ti­l­in­gu­al Hun­gary 1770–1820. Re­ci­ti Kon­fe­ren­cia­kö­te­tek 3. Bu­da­pest: re­ci­ti, 2019.

The pe­ri­od co­ve­red in this vo­lu­me was par­ti­cu­larly im­por­tant in Hun­ga­ri­an cul­t­u­ral his­to­ry re­gard­ing the in­ter­ac­tions of print me­dia with ot­her so­ci­al and cul­t­u­ral for­ma­tions. The ex­pan­si­on of the mar­ket of me­dia pro­ducts was ac­com­pa­ni­ed by the ac­ce­le­ra­ti­on of so­ci­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and the broa­de­ning of its par­ti­ci­pant base. Weekly news­pa­pers and pe­ri­o­di­cals pub­lis­hed only a few times a year fol­lo­wed in­ter­na­ti­o­nal pat­terns. As new read­ing ha­bits and editorial-authorial ro­les emer­ged, an inc­re­a­sing num­ber of people took ad­van­tage of the new op­por­tuni­ti­es to pub­lish. Some news­pa­pers and pe­ri­o­di­cals pub­lis­hed po­li­ti­cal and eco­no­mic news, whi­le in ot­her out­lets more space was de­vo­ted to pub­li­ca­tions fo­cus­ing on sci­en­ti­fic, me­di­cal, and ag­ri­cul­t­u­ral to­pics. As sci­en­ti­fic and edu­ca­ti­o­nal texts had to make up for the de­fi­ci­en­ci­es of pub­lic edu­ca­ti­on, many pe­ri­o­di­cals pub­lis­hed his­to­ri­cal port­ra­its and descript­ions of his­to­ri­cal events, but ast­ro­log­i­cal, geo­gra­phi­cal, bo­ta­ni­cal, and zoo­log­i­cal an­no­un­ce­ments, too. Thus, the ma­jo­rity of the news­pa­pers and pe­ri­o­di­cals both ser­ved as a means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on among scho­lars and as a fre­qu­ent fo­rum for en­ligh­te­ned na­ti­o­nal en­de­a­vo­urs. Es­says in this coll­ec­ti­on re­ve­al the cul­t­u­ral dy­na­mism of mul­ti­l­in­gu­al me­dia in the Hun­ga­ri­an King­dom, as well as the cent­ra­lity of the press to our un­der­stand­ing of the pe­ri­od from 1770 to 1820.

  1. Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe bordering Austria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. Hungary's landscape consists of flat to rolling plains divided in two by its main waterway, the Danube.
  2. Folk costumes from Hamburg. Folk costumes from Hamburg and its surroundings. Beginning of the 19th century. 1 and 2: Fruit seller from the Alte Lande (old lands), which stretches down the river Elbe on the left bank.
  3. When two-thirds of Hungary was regained for Catholicism, Hungarian Reformed Church Christians suffered intolerance. Their descendants immigrated to America and in 1890 began the first Hungarian Reformed Church in Cleveland. As the Magyar Synod, Hungarian churches united with the Reformed Church in the United States in 1921.

Re­ci­ti Con­fe­ren­ce Books pub­lis­hes pro­ce­e­dings of con­fe­ren­ces or­ga­ni­zed by the Ins­ti­tu­te for Li­ter­ary Stu­di­es of the Re­se­arch Cent­re for the Hu­ma­ni­ti­es, Hun­ga­ri­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces. It aims at promo­ting di­ver­se met­ho­do­log­i­cal app­ro­a­ches to the analy­sis of texts and con­texts from the Re­na­is­sance to con­tem­por­ary li­te­ra­tu­re and culture.

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Table of Contents

Me­dia and Li­te­ra­tu­re in Mul­ti­l­in­gu­al Hungary

Edi­ted by:
Ág­nes Dóbék
Gá­bor Mészáros
Vad­er­na Gábor

Re­ci­ti Con­fe­ren­ce Books ‧ 3
Edi­ted by:
Zsu­zsa Török

Pro­of readers:
Bern­hard Heiller
Tho­mas Ed­ward Hunter
And­rew C. Rouse

Sup­port­ed by the “Len­dü­let” (“Mo­men­tum”) prog­ram of the Hun­ga­ri­an Aca­demy of Sciences,
“Li­ter­ary Cul­tu­re in Wes­tern Hun­gary, 1770–1820” Re­se­arch Group

This book is li­cen­ced un­der the terms of the Cre­a­tive Com­mons Li­cen­se Attribution–NonCommercial–ShareAlike 2.5 Hun­gary (CCBY-NC-SA 2.5 HU), which per­mits any non­com­mer­ci­al use, sha­ring, dis­t­ri­bu­ti­on and re­pro­duc­ti­on in any me­di­um or format

HUISSN 2630–953X

Pub­lis­hed by Reciti,
Ins­ti­tu­te for Li­ter­ary Stu­di­es of the Re­se­arch Cent­re for the Humanities,
Hun­ga­ri­an Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces ▶
Gra­phic de­sign, layout: Zsu­zsa Szi­lá­gyi N.
Web: Béla Hegedüs



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