Blogthe Oni Site


Hey everyone!

An oni game with original chase mechanics. For example: An oni that can only move in darkness, an oni that can dissapear briefly, and a sort of were-oni character that can shapeshift into an oni at any minute, but will turn back into a perfectly normal human after a chase. An oni game with RPG elements that could make it to first tier. Mar 03, 2015 - This may in fact be my final Frankenstein blog. The work has long been assembled and shipped off for mass production. The work has long been assembled and shipped off for mass production. Now, it is time to sit back and await. ONI is defined as Operator Number Identification somewhat frequently. Printer friendly. New search features Acronym Blog Free tools ' My site is an interactive one, so please take the time to look around my site. It is still very much in construction mode but I hope to get it to a level where you all can get a taste of what this world of 'The Light' and their foe 'The Cursed' is like. This includes a section for each side character's bios and images of commissioned pictures.

I hope your summers have been well! Things have flown by. I thought I’d give you all an update. I am currently preparing for my next journey in the D.C. metro area science policy space as an American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Fellow in the Division of Engineering Education Centers in the Broadening Participation in Engineering division.

Also, I’d like to take this time to thank the Rutgers iJOBS community. The various programs I participated in were eye opening and broadened my perspectives. I will always have fond memories of attending career panels and hearing about different jobs, from Medical Science Liaisons to work in non-profits, and for every site visit I had the opportunity to attend! All of these have widened my experiences, and expanded my training as a graduate student.

More specifically, this blog has improved my writing and editing skills. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my insightful shadowing experience with Congressman Leonard Lance(NJ-07) learning the unique and broad circumstances Congressional members deal with when making decisions. Additionally, I have also had the pleasure of writing about science policy related iJOBS programs which delved deeper into congressional voting and climate policy perspectives from former New Jersey Governor, the Honorable Christine Todd Whitman. Throughout other IJOBS programming, such as the SciPhD course I learned the value of networking and informational interviewing. I am currently wrapping up my phase 3 programming by honing my online networking skills via the 2Actify Networking online course, iJOBS programming has provided me the stepping stones to develop skill sets to be a more well-rounded Rutgers alumni.

To fellow graduates and postdocs, I highly recommend iJOBS to supplement your training and prepare you for the next stage in your career. Also, for current students and recent graduates who want to work on writing and editing skills (outside on manuscript preparation) please contact! In the future, I hope to try and expand or develop similar programming at other institutions. But for now, stay tuned, and I hope to be able to provide insights on my journey as I learn the ins and outs of broadening engineering education as AAAS Fellow at the National Science Foundation.

Gravitas was an Earth technology company that conducted experimental and often controversial projects with great success. However, it was destroyed along with the rest of the Earth during the events instigated at Gravitas Facility and leading up to the game.

  • 2Personnel

Company[edit | edit source]

The logo of Gravitas was a stylized strand of DNA, shaped to look like an hourglass. The Gravitas Facility lobby reception desk has this logo prominently displayed. Products Gravitas sold include the Thermo Nullifier, the Printing Pod, and the matter manipulator tools, that duplicants use to do errands. Most of the critters and plants are also bio-engineered by Gravitas.

Personnel[edit | edit source]

Those are the employees of Gravitas as they mentioned in the Lore of the game. Some of them also appear in the game as derived duplicants.

Director Jacquelyn Stern[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Director
  • Aliases: Jackie, Director
  • Security code: A001
  • Appears in:Moved Rats, Employee Processing, Revisited Numbers, Nucleoid Article, Byproduct Notes, Possible Applications, Planetary Echoes, Director's Notes, Re: Implant Database_Request, Re: Objectionable Request, Campus Newspaper Article, Time's Arrow Thoughts
  • Mentioned in:Personal Journal: B556, Pipedream, Personal Journal: B556, Duplicant Memory Solution, Polite Request, Preliminary Calculations, Personal Journal: B111
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The director of Gravitas Facility. Although she was a typical college student when she was going to school with Olivia, as time passes she is increasingly consumed with the Time's Bow, perhaps pressed by the need to solve humankind's problems, and takes severe risks rather than allow Dr. Broussard to take more time to do research. It is possible that the Director was directly related to the fracturing of Earth, starting the events of the game.

Jacquelyn Stern's office smelled strongly of artificial lemon, and the newspaper clipping of her and Olivia's time travellers' party was hung on the wall. She kept a picture of herself and Olivia at their college graduation in her desk, and wore thick glasses. She had a secret taste for gingersnaps.

Dr. Olivia Broussard[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Head of Bioengineering Department
  • Aliases: brainmap.AI
  • Security code: B111
  • Appears in:Employee Processing, Moved Rats, Pipedream, Revisited Numbers, Sunflower Seeds, Planetary Echoes, Campus Newspaper Article, Re: Objectionable Request, Re: Have you seen this?, Re: Implant Database Request, Log entries, Research notes, Personal Journal: B111
  • Mentioned in:Personal Journal: A046, Personal Journal: B556, Welcome, New Employee

Dr. Olivia Broussard was the head of the Gravitas Bioengineering Department, and college friend of Director Stern. When she was onboarded, a copy of her genetic makeup was taken. At first she was deferential to the Director's orders, but later on she was increasingly uncomfortable with the ethical situation, and eventually quit from the colony project. She displayed a fond spot for some duplicant lab rats she had printed. Later on, the Colony AI is revealed to have been based on Dr. Broussard's brainmap.

Olivia and Jacquelyn threw a time travellers' party when they were undergrads, though nobody showed up. Olivia didn't seem bothered by this turn of events, stating that 'It just meant more snacks for us!'.

Dr. Holland[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Technician, possibly Engineering
  • Security code: B556
  • Appears in:Ants, Personal Journal: B556
  • Mentioned in:Re: dr. holland's dog, Personal Journal: B111

Dr. Holland was an employee at Gravitas, likely in the Engineering department. He worked on battery capacity and power, and was severely stressed by the need to prove results, to the point of having some minor mental breakdowns. The Director's personal attention didn't help matters, either. However, Dr. Broussard pushed him to take a break, and he felt much better afterwards. Also, he got a pet dog.

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Dr. Banhi Ansari[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Robotics Department
  • Aliases: Pipsqueak, Banhi
  • Mentioned in:Personal Journal: B835

Dr. Devon Mason[edit | edit source]

  • Aliases: Devon
  • Mentioned in:Re: devon's bloggg, Vacation Request Approved

Dr. Mason was an employee at Gravitas. They ran a food blog, Toast of the Town, that was nominated for the Blogjam Awards. Dr. Summers followed that blog.

The dupe Devon is referred to as 'they', so it's possible that Dr. Mason identified as non-binary. Which is further reinforced by the fact that Devon dupes have their gender listed as X in the bio tab, and reference to original Devon's gender was also avoided. It is also possible this is an editing error, as almost all duplicants are referred to in a de-individualising manner, such as 'a Catalina', 'this Burt', 'Frankies are', 'every Ren'. Devon's description does not start with a reference to multiple, but it's possible that at one point it did, and that's where the reference came from.

Dr. Ellie Jones[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Information and Statistics Department
  • Aliases: Ellie
  • Security code: A435
  • Appears in:Office Cake, Revisited Numbers, Results from Atomicon, Re: devon's bloggg, Hiiiii!, Re: dr. holland.27s dog, Re: MY PENS, Preliminary Calculations, Re: omg the janitor, The Laws of Thermodynamics

Dr. Jones was an employee at Gravitas, working in the Information and Statistics department, possibly as the department head. She was a notorious gossip, as evidenced by her email exchanges with Dr. Summers, and greatly enjoyed glittery things.

Dr. Joshua Summers[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Information and Statistics Department
  • Aliases: Joshua
  • Appears in:Office Cake, Re: devon's bloggg, Re:_dr. holland's dog, Re: omg the janitor

Dr. Summers was an employee at Gravitas, working in the Information and Statistics department. He was a friend of Dr. Jones, and often talked with her over email. Dr. Summers enjoyed Dr. Holland's food blog.

Dr. M. Sklodowska[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Physics Department
  • Aliases: Marie or Mi-Ma? (More likely Mi-Ma, given her grey hair)
  • Security code: A046
  • Appears in:Personal Journal: A046, RE: To Otto - Spec Changes,

Dr. Sklodowska was an employee at Gravitas, working in the Physics Department. She was one of the older employees working there, but was hired relatively recently. She had trouble using electronic devices, including email, and her friend Mr. Kraus helped teach her how to properly reply to an email thread.

Dr. Nikola Techna[edit | edit source]

  • Aliases: Nikola
  • Mentioned in:Email_content#Hiiiii.21: Hiiiii!

Dr. Techna was an employee at Gravitas. He had spiky blonde hair and stole food from the communal fridge. Dr. Jones insinuated that she would delete his files if he didn't stop.

Mr. Otto Kraus[edit | edit source]

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  • Position: Physics Department
  • Aliases: Otto
  • Security code: B327
  • Appears in:Office Cake, Personal Journal: B327, Personal Journal: B556, RE: To Otto - Spec Changes, Spec Changes
  • Mentioned in:Personal Journal: A046, The Laws of Thermodynamics
  • Possibly appears in:New Security System?, They Stole Our DNA

Mr. Otto Kraus was a PhD student and an employee at Gravitas. He was insecure and anxious, and had crippling student loan debt. He asked Dr. Summers why he was friends Dr. Jones, thinking she is mean.

Mr. Gunderson[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Janitor
  • Aliases: Stinky
  • Appears in:Cleaning up the Mess
  • Mentioned in:Re: omg the janitor

Mr. 'Stinky' Gunderson was a janitor at Gravitas. His nickname alludes to the fact that he tends to always have sweaty armpits and strong body odor. He was aware of the fact that Gravitas was conducting cloning experiments. Dr. Summers considered him a good janitor.


Personnel Coordinator[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Personnel Coordinator
  • Appears in:Welcome, New Employee, Re: Have you seen this?

The Personnel Coordinator at Gravitas, whose name we do not know. They expressed concern about the company's bad PR to the Director, but she instructed her to ignore the articles and decline to comment when asked for statements.

Dr. 'Bubbles'[edit | edit source]

  • Position: Bioengineering Department
  • Aliases: Bubbles
  • Security code: B835
  • Appears in:Personal Journal: B835

Dr. 'Bubbles' was an employee in the Bioengineering Department. She was college friends with Dr. 'Pipsqueak' Ansari, who is also the reason the staff at Gravitas took to calling her Bubbles. Though she was aghast at the nickname at first, she and Dr. Ansari quickly reconnected and became best friends. Dr. Ansari also taught Bubbles how to do her hairstyle. Incidentally, the duplicant Bubbles has the same hair style as the duplicant Banhi.

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