Purchase cards make it easy for you to buy the things you need for your agency. All Schedule contractors are required to accept the government purchase card for purchases up to the micro-purchase threshold and encouraged to do so for purchases over it.
- In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy you wipe out your debts and get a “Fresh Start”. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation where the trustee collects all of your assets and sells any assets which are not exempt. (see Mississippi Exemptions) The trustee sells the assets and pays you, the debtor, any amount exempted. The net proceeds of the liquidation.
- MS-7AF, MS-7 and MS-7S Non-Coded, Manual Fire Alarm Stations An ISO 9001-2000 Company APPROVED FM 3023594 SIGNALING S2465:261 MEA Approved 67-02-E Vol.VIII Description The Gamewell-FCI MS-7 Style manual fire alarm stations are available in a wide variety of configurations. The Sta-tions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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- Secretary of the Air Force selects Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama as the preferred location to host US Space Command Headquarters; 390th ECS Captain becomes first Airman to graduate from Navy Weapon School.
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GSA makes buying with the purchase card easy and efficient, utilizing modern tools to help facilitate market research and connect you instantly with contractors that can meet your need.
Ordering from Schedules
Purchases Below the Micro-purchase Threshold | Purchases Between the Micro-purchase Threshold and the Simplified Acquisition Threshold | Purchases Over the Simplified Acquisition Threshold |
Minimum Order Quantity - Purchases on Schedule, in general, are free on board (FOB) destination. In order to support FOB destination and include shipping prices in the prices of the goods, some products do have a set minimum order quantity. This quantity varies by Schedule and is noted in GSA Advantage. | While most orders issued using the purchase card will be under the micro-purchase level, purchase card holders may have a spending limit above the micro-purchase threshold. In fact, FAR 13.301 states that purchase cards shouldn’t be limited to micro-purchases. Streamlined ordering procedures let you reasonably consider available information about the supply or service offered under MAS contracts and execute a purchase. Reasonable review of items means:
As always, you are encouraged to ask for additional discounts. |
Chapter 7 (af)ms. Ma's Website Store
Resources and Tools
Use these acquisition eTools to help simplify ordering under Schedules:
- SmartPay - Detailed information for purchase card holders