
  1. Basic Batch Commands
  2. Batch Files Examples
  3. Windows Batch File Basics

Its a command you click it and whatever codes on there itll tell your computer what to do you can make it do more than you think! Matrix, a locked folder, find your ip, you can have it open another file, creat another document txt word etc., you can make the computer beep, or message an email to some one!, etc they are fun! But first you gotta learn basics! On Windows 10, a batch file is a special text file that typically has a.bat extension, and it includes one or more commands that Command Prompt can understand and run in sequence to perform various.

  • Batch Script Tutorial
  • Batch Script Resources
  • Selected Reading
Basic batch commands

In this chapter, we will learn how to create, save, execute, and modify batch files.

Creating Batch Files


Batch files are normally created in notepad. Hence the simplest way is to open notepad and enter the commands required for the script. For this exercise, open notepad and enter the following statements.

Saving Batch Files

After your batch file is created, the next step is to save your batch file. Batch files have the extension of either .bat or .cmd. Some general rules to keep in mind when naming batch files −

  • Try to avoid spaces when naming batch files, it sometime creates issues when they are called from other scripts.

  • Don’t name them after common batch files which are available in the system such as ping.cmd.

The above screenshot shows how to save the batch file. When saving your batch file a few points to keep in mind.

  • Remember to put the .bat or .cmd at the end of the file name.
  • Choose the “Save as type” option as “All Files”.
  • Put the entire file name in quotes “”.

Basic Batch Commands

Executing Batch Files

Following are the steps to execute a batch file −

  • Step 1 − Open the command prompt (cmd.exe).

  • Step 2 − Go to the location where the .bat or .cmd file is stored.

  • Step 3 − Write the name of the file as shown in the following image and press the Enter button to execute the batch file.


Modifying Batch Files

Batch Files Examples

Following are the steps for modifying an existing batch file.

Windows Batch File Basics

  • Step 1 − Open windows explorer.

  • Step 2 − Go to the location where the .bat or .cmd file is stored.

  • Step 3 − Right-click the file and choose the “Edit” option from the context menu. The file will open in Notepad for further editing.